21.10 Acres of land zoned I-2 General Industrial. With 603' frontage on Route 7, and public water, sewer, and natural gas at the street, this site is prime for your commercial/industrial needs. Adjoining lots also available. Seller is licensed Vermont real estate broker. Taxes based on entire 100.93 acre parcel.
MLS#: 4910236 Price: $950,000
County: Chittenden Lot Size: 919116 Tax Fee: 14155.56
RE/MAX North Professionals Vermont's #1 RE/MAX Real Estate Office
553 Roosevelt Highway Ste 200
Colchester, VT, 05446
Jess Peck (802) 655-3333 jason@homesvermont.com Website
Information is believed to be accurate but should not be relied upon without verification.
Data Provided by PrimeMLS
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